make joy normal: cozy homeschooling
In the context of promoting joy, fun and an environment of love, Bonnie welcomes you! Bonnie is a homeschool mom of seven kids, 32 years in - writer, speaker and cheerleader. Meet her cohosts who bring your questions and theirs to the table: Elizabeth, mom of six, in the thick of glorious family life, and Christina, just starting the homeschool journey with three littles. Join us for some honest discussion about how to make home education cozy. Just like you imagined.
270 episodes
1000 good books project
I chat with Cheryl and Garreth about this beautiful labour of love that they are creating. A collection of the beautiful stories in audio so that our kids can have access to rich and beautiful literature. Such a great addition to family r...
Season 7
Episode 29

She Loved: Resting in the Beauty of Motherhood - an interview with author Suzanne Bilodeau
Suzanne and I chat abut her beautiful new book: She Loved. Thanks Suzanne for what you offer mothers . 1:58 - Reaching out to others in time of need 4:54 - Welcome and about Suzanne 10:45 - Suzanne's new book She...
Season 7
Episode 28

Findings About Homeschooled Adults from the Cardus Education Survey: a conversation with co-author Albert Cheng
A fascinating conversation on a recent study of homeschooled adults. Co-author Albert Cheng, PhD, is a Cardus senior fellow and associate professor in the Department of Education...
Season 7
Episode 27

random tidbits with Zoe
Zoe's new FREEBIE!Where I randomly record a catch up conversation between Zoe and myself. We discuss many things, including, but not limited to:2:41 - I...
Season 7
Episode 26

loneliness in motherhood and finding solutions
Christina and I discuss a listener’s experience of loneliness in motherhood. 1:35 - Dealing with loneliness as a mother 3:46 - Deep, interior loneliness vs. physical loneliness 8:15 - Ways to reach out for commun...
Season 7
Episode 25

how to organize events
A chat with my accomplice Brian D and myself on the how, why, who, where, when and what of getting things done. Big emphasis on the why. 2:30 - Our intrinsic need for community10:27 - Cultivating ideas and gathering in per...
Season 7
Episode 24

my take on it - when to start school
A sweet listener sent this question in...I've dealt with it in the episodes below as well. "When kids are little, are we doing enough, when should we start school" - creating a rich environment for our children.

living the season of Lent as a family
Elizabeth and I share our family traditions surrounding the Lenten season. 2:23 - Candlelit Stations of the Cross, Easter Vigil7:47 - Resurrection Rolls11:25 - Guiding children spiritually, what to "give up" 12:...
Season 7
Episode 23

streamlining meals for convenience
ideas for making meal prep more pleasant and efficientSearch podcast episodes by topic
Season 7
Episode 22

my take on it - can a child be too attached/when kids goof off during prayers
A couple of fan mail questions came up, so I'm sharing my take on it

my take on it - learning sign language and filling tanks
Just some quick thoughts from fan mail questions!

being faithful through difficult seasons, teaching virtue and answering tough questions
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Subject matter warning: This episode contains discussion on how to talk to our kids about the virtue of chastity and of our sexuality. This would not be an episod...
Season 7
Episode 21

speaking the language of math
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Thank you, Sjeila for this fabulous episode on teaching math. Sjeila is a former teacher and math coach before she became a homeschool mom and shares with us the world...
Season 7
Episode 20

the fruits of a homeschool life: homeschool saints podcast
Recently I was interviewed on a podcast, Homeschooling Saints - with Lisa Mladnich who is a gem. We talk about the ups and downs, successes and shortcomings of the journey, if you ...

PSA - pre-recorded dictation class available for purchase
If you have contacted me via fan mail, please know that I can't respond except via an episode. If you would like to purchase the recorded class, please register and follow payment instructions on the registration form. Thank...

baby steps for converts, homeschool with little ones and remembering to sparkle
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Thanks for all the fanmail, my dear listeners! I'm so excited to be able to both engage and be challenged by your amazing questions. In this episode I respond...
Season 7
Episode 19

Breastfeeding through the ages and stages: child-led weaning, tandem nursing and co-sleeping
For the last month I've received several questions about breastfeeding topics and even though this has nothing to do with homeschooling it has everything to do with homeschooling - it's how we nurture our children and I'm so grateful for these ...
Season 7
Episode 18

high schoolers, moving right along
okay high schoolers. A little more info.
Season 7
Episode 17

this one's for you, high schoolers (and your parents too)
First installment of a segment on high school and getting emerging adults participating in their own educational planning. Today I go over how the system works and the advantage of having agency over your education. 1:49 - U...
Season 7
Episode 16

PSA: dictation master class confirmed for Jan. 18th
See registration form here for details! REGISTRATION FORM

my take on it: keeping littles happy while we read
A fan mail question about littles who are disrupting reading time!

hearts that are aching: become the parents we want to be
I am responding to a fan mail that I answered in short form, just taking a deeper dive into the factors that played into my own (very not-linear and still incomplete) journey of growth as a mother. Here are some things that I mention duri...
Season 7
Episode 15

HeWo: a fun and meaningful audio player for kids - an interview with Elie and Viviana
Such a delight to speak to HeWo founders Elie and Viviana! With a growing library of Catholic audio stories, music and prayers, HeWo is a gift that is sure to provide hours of entertainment while at the same time helping kids grow in their Cath...
Season 7
Episode 14