make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

why community matters and how to be part of one

Bonnie Landry Season 3 Episode 25

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My husband Albert and I chat with our dear friends and co-conspirators in our beautiful little Catholic community, Brian and Laurie Dennison.   We talk about why community matters, what it takes from individuals, how to be a part of community and what we can do to build communities.

1:04 - Welcome Dennisons and how our families met each other
8:33 - A snapshot of our community
20:44 - What is community, things we do and how personalities play in
28:04 - Everyone has something to give, how to add to your community
31:41 - What does it take to have a successful community? 
50:19 - What is one thing you would say to a young family who desires community?

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Only Heroic Catholic Families Will Survive by Fr. Robert J. Fox

upstarts: how to build a community of people from whom you can borrow a cup of sugar

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