make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

getting ready for high school

Bonnie Landry Season 5 Episode 3

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Such a pleasure to welcome Lucero and Michelle who bring their questions about homeschooling into the teen years. We discuss challenges, counterwill and burnout. The importance of open communication and how community and fun are at the heart of a healthy wholesome homeschooling experience for the entire family. 

1:11 - Welcome Lucero and Michelle
6:23 - Importance of community and fun 
10:49 - How do you manage everything?
17:51 - Negotiating with our teenagers
21:28 -  What are the absolute basics we need in their schooling?
36:15 - Burnout and crisis years
42:05 - Provide opportunities for fun
52:39 - The cycle of family learning
58:14 - Developing your own homeschool high school transcript
1:03:22 - Motivating our children when they're struggling
1:18:34 - Not caring about what other people think

Catholic Heritage Curricula 

World Book Encyclopedia

Homeschooling with Joy Workshop, Part 1/4
Homeschooling with Joy Workshop, Part 2/4
Homeschooling with Joy Workshop, Part 3/4
Homeschooling with Joy Workshop, Part 4/4

Mother of Divine Grace Curriculum

Variation of "The Hat Game" 

High school transcript template - 

#makejoynormal #homeschooling #highschool #dictation #reading #math #planning #routine #community #fun #history #science #socialization #support #cooperation #socraticeducation

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