make joy normal: cozy homeschooling
In the context of promoting joy, fun and an environment of love, Bonnie welcomes you! Bonnie is a homeschool mom of seven kids, 32 years in - writer, speaker and cheerleader. Meet her cohosts who bring your questions and theirs to the table: Elizabeth, mom of five, in the thick of glorious family life, and Christina, just starting the homeschool journey with three littles. Join us for some honest discussion about how to make home education cozy. Just like you imagined.
make joy normal: cozy homeschooling
a conversation with Father Paul, our Holy Land pilgrimage chaplain
Albert and I chat with Fr. Paul Houlis about pilgrimage, holiness, joy and blessings.
Catholic Heritage Curricula - Ever Ancient, Ever New
2:11 - Welcome Fr. Paul and opening prayer
11:24 - Pilgrimages and greatest impact of being in the Holy Land
21:03 - What was your most profound experience?
25:46 - Feeling deeply, longing, and desire
39:42 - About Fr. Paul's podcast : A Holy Mess Podcast
43:22 - What's your favourite thing about being Catholic?
44:42 - Securing joy, gratitude and holiness
A Holy Mess Podcast
why I am catholic, chapter the first (blog post)
#makejoynormal #homeschooling #travel #pilgrimage #prayer #holyland #sacraments
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