make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

closeness and learning: getting school work done without strife

November 02, 2023 Bonnie Landry Season 5 Episode 36

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Christina brings a great topic of discussion - can kids be trusted or will they take advantage of our goodness towards them?  We discuss productivity, discipline, authority and how to handle kids with controlling or manipulative behaviours. 

4:50 - Learning to trust our children
6:46 - Education as a place of building relationship
10:09 - What should we do when we get pushback? 
17:18 -  Learning to empathize with our children
21:39 - What if a child is manipulating you?
26:58 - Leadership and authority in parenting
30:29 - Respect goes both ways 
36:51 - Approach to conflict and relationships

Author Julie Bogart on Instagram @juliebravewriter

Hold On to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld

Revolution of Mercy by Bonnie Landry

authority (blog post)

#makejoynormal #homeschooling #trust #discipline #education #tenderness #attachment #parenting #respect #authority #rest #enjoyment 

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