make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

Celebrating life, one crumb at a time - an interview on food, family and love with Jenna Beaugh

November 21, 2023 Bonnie Landry Season 5 Episode 37

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Jenna Beaugh joins me to discuss family life and culture around the table. We discuss how to encourage our children in a love of cooking, setting the atmosphere around the table and how to increase joy in our homeschooling.

1:01 - Welcome Jenna, family and faith journey
6:30 - How did you start homeschooling?
9:40 - Importance of food and family culture
14:54 - What led you into culinary school?
17:04 - Encouraging a love of cooking, love of table
22:33 - Liturgical living, Advent and Christmas
29:01 - Book and future plans
31:33 - Final thoughts on how to instill a love of family time through food

Jenna Beaugh on Instagram @eatliverun

The Catechism in a Year Podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz


Nourished: Connection, Food and Caring for Our Kids (And Everyone Else We Love) by Deborah MacNamara PhD

Nourished: an interview with Deborah MacNamara on her new book (podcast)

convoluted Christmas with joy (blog post) 

#makejoynormal #homeschooling #family #culture #faith #food #cooking #motherhood #blogging #teenagers #advent #christmas #tradition #attachment #joy #nutrition 

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