make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

marquette - why talk about NFP on a homeschool podcast?

Bonnie Landry Season 6 Episode 8

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Well.  If it makes your life simpler, let's try that out.

 2:10 - Welcome Ashlee!
3:30 - How did you learn about Marquette?
6:18 - What is ecological breastfeeding?
10:06 - NFP, FAM and how Marquette differs from other methods
18:42 - Would you use Marquette postpartum or while breastfeeding?
20:01 - Is it a challenging method to learn?
22:31 - Isn't NFP the same as contraception?
28:48 - Recommended reading
31:31 - Should you take a course to begin?
34:41 - Career, vocation and homeschooling

Vitae Fertility - Marquette Method 
Contact Ashlee:

NFP Methods Comparison Chart - Vitae Fertility
How to Talk about the Use and Abuse of Natural Family Planning - Dr Kevin Miller
Marquette Method Professionals
Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing by Sheila Kippley
The Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding by Sheila Kippley
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood by Sheila Kippley
The Catechism in a Year Podcast
Contraception: Why Not - Free Digital Download by Janet E. Smith
 Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden
Catholics and NFP (blog post) 

#makejoynormal #homeschooling #naturalfamilyplanning #NFP #fertility #pregnancy #breastfeeding #faith #family #marriage #vocation #career 

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