make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

my take on it - further questions on co-sleeping, toddler edition

Bonnie Landry

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After listening to the episode on cosleeping, a listener submitted these questions:

So this mum has a large family. She has a baby who's just over one, 
that this is usually around the time that she has stopped co -sleeping and transitioned to a crib. She'd like to keep co -sleeping, but a couple of things are frustrating at this stage of babyhood, how do I manage these particular things? How do get yourself ready in the morning? Shower, get dressed, have some time to do a couple chores to be ready for the day. If you have to stay in the same room as the sleeping baby. 

And also when I put the baby to bed at night, she starts out in a crib, some evenings that she wakes up after only an hour. Then I go back in and nurse her for 20 -ish minutes and get back to spending time with my husband and older kids. I find this frustrating because I feel like my husband and I have very little time together. 

So here's my take on it...again, I will give a shout out to, sleep coaching from an attachment perspective.  

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