make joy normal: cozy homeschooling

intentional gifts, affordable gifts, finding the time

Bonnie Landry Season 7 Episode 11

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Zoe brings these great questions to the show around gift giving.  Keeping spending, stuff, emotions and mom's sanity all within a reasonable limit. 
Hard to do at Christmastime! 

Join us for some discussion about how we do things, what worked, what didn't and trying to maintain some semblance of equilibrium. 

2:10 - Avoiding burnout at Christmas 
6:13 - Advent traditions 
9:29 - Santa Claus and gift giving
19:33 - Online shopping and supporting local
24:23 - Stocking gift ideas
27:37 - When to open presents?
42:31 - Scaling back on gifts
47:48 - Managing high emotions
50:41 - Decorating and cultural traditions

Catholic Owned - Christmastide Shopping Guide

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