make joy normal: cozy homeschooling
In the context of promoting joy, fun and an environment of love, Bonnie welcomes you! Bonnie is a homeschool mom of seven kids, 32 years in - writer, speaker and cheerleader. Meet her cohosts who bring your questions and theirs to the table: Elizabeth, mom of six, in the thick of glorious family life, and Christina, just starting the homeschool journey with three littles. Join us for some honest discussion about how to make home education cozy. Just like you imagined.
make joy normal: cozy homeschooling
Christmas food traditions
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Jenna and I chat about food! Advent and Christmas traditions from a food framework. But before we get into the thick of it, Jenna talks about a recent experience with dictation and her son. So it led me to wonder if anyone would like a live master class on dictation. Let me know via email if you are interested.
We delve into the family food traditions, some passed down and some developed with our family life.
1:10 - The joy of dictation for language arts
7:00 - Christmas baking and decor traditions
21:11 - Recipe book and Christmas journal
24:10 - Ornaments and Bride's tree
33:55 - Christmas eve, midnight Mass and dinner
42:47 - Experiences over material goods, charity
46:37 - Christmas read-alouds
48:32 - Do you include the kids in all the baking?
51:30 - Where to find Jenna online
53:20 - Restaurant etiquette and prudent technology
Find Jenna on Instagram @eatliverun
Suncore Colouring powders and Flakes
A Continual Feast Cookbook by Evelyn Birge Vitz (Amazon)
Gluten Free Holiday Spice Cookies (eatliverun.com)
bride's tree: a beautiful Catholic tradition of enigmatic origin (blog)
ADVENT and CHRISTMAS: Albert and I share family traditions (podcast)
- On Instagram at @make.joy.normal
- By email at makejoynormal@gmail.com
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