make joy normal: cozy homeschooling
In the context of promoting joy, fun and an environment of love, Bonnie welcomes you! Bonnie is a homeschool mom of seven kids, 32 years in - writer, speaker and cheerleader. Meet her cohosts who bring your questions and theirs to the table: Elizabeth, mom of six, in the thick of glorious family life, and Christina, just starting the homeschool journey with three littles. Join us for some honest discussion about how to make home education cozy. Just like you imagined.
make joy normal: cozy homeschooling
being faithful through difficult seasons, teaching virtue and answering tough questions
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Subject matter warning: This episode contains discussion on how to talk to our kids about the virtue of chastity and of our sexuality. This would not be an episode to listen to in the presence of young children.
1:34 - Growing in wisdom and maturity as parents
7:51 - Surrounding ourselves with like-minded families
9:10 - Understanding the deepest needs of our children
13:53 - Growing in self-knowledge
16:02 - How to teach our children virtue
18:30 - Approaching the virtue of chastity with our children
25:38 - We don't have to answer the question immediately
28:05 - When our kids are struggling with a certain vice
The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell (Amazon)
The Temperament God Gave Your Kids by Art and Laraine Bennett (Amazon)
Humanae Vitae, Cracking the Contraceptive Myths by Dr. Janet Smith (Youtube)
Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids by Kristen Jenson (Amazon)
Seven Deadly Sins; Seven Lively Virtues by Bishop Robert Barron (Youtube)
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- By email at makejoynormal@gmail.com
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